Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA)
Your OMS will choose the optimal treatment for you according to whether your obstructive sleep apnea is mild, moderate, or severe. For some people, surgery may be a viable option.
Since each patient’s nose and throat are unique, our surgeon will measure the airway at numerous sites and look for any aberrant airflow from the nose to the lungs before recommending surgery.

Caption for the above pictures:
Typical Radiographic changes in an obstructive sleep apnea patient.
The following possible surgical procedures:
Uvulopalatopharyngoplasty (UPPP): Consisting of eliminating the uvula and lowering the soft palate’s edge, this surgery shortens and stiffens the soft palate. Hyoid Suspension: During this procedure the hyoid bone is secured to the thyroid cartilage during the treatment, which helps to stabilize this area of the airway.
Genioglossus Advancement (GGA): The front tongue tendon is tightened during this procedure, reducing the amount of tongue displacement into the throat. This procedure is frequently performed in conjunction with another procedure, such as UPPP or hyoid suspension.
Maxillomandibular Advancement (MMA): The upper and lower jaws, as well as the soft tissues of the tongue and palate, are surgically moved forward to expose the upper airway. This procedure is the only procedure that can provide the essential air channel for some patients.
Key Benefits
• Reconstruction of misshapen or injured jaws.
• Reduction of otherwise unrelievable pain associated with malformed bite formations.
• Improvement of aesthetic aspects of this very visible aspect of a person’s face.